Die nachfolgenden Inhalte stammen aus dem Kooperationsprogramm "Alpine Space programme" (genehmigt am: 17.12.2014).
The Alpine Space Programme (ASP) will focus on providing the room for common trans-Alpine tools and methodologies, combination of knowledge bases, but also for common responses in form of strategies, (green) infrastructures, management structures and hazard/risk response mechanisms.
The ASP aims to harmonise management approaches, facilitate knowledge transfer and share responsibilities with the goal of integrating ecosystems functions and needs into policies. At the practical level, the programme actions should result in a harmonised transnational operating environment in the field of protection, preservation and ecological connectivity of ecosystems through: an interoperable information base (databases, platforms, e-monitoring systems surveillance mechanisms etc.) (output: implementation elements) and a harmonised and coordinated management system (risk assessments, management strategies and plans, sustainability and adaptation assessments etc.) (output: strategic and implementation elements).
Daten-, Informationsgrundlagen, Demonstrations-, Modell- und Pilotvorhaben, Information, Kommunikation, Beteiligung, Monitoring, Evaluierung, Strategieentwicklung, Konzept-, Teilkonzepterstellung, Vernetzung, Kooperation, Wissenstransfer
Local, Regional and National public authorities; Agencies; Higher education institutions; Education/training centres; Business support organisations; Interest groups including NGOs.
Förderfähige Gebietskulisse
In Bayern: Oberbayern und Schwaben
In Baden-Württemberg: Tübingen und Freiburg
Kooperationsmöglichkeiten bestehen mit folgenden Staaten: Österreich, Frankreich, Italien, Liechtenstein, Slowenien und der Schweiz.
Achtung: Bitte prüfen Sie im Kooperationsprogramm (KP, CP) welche Teilräume der Staaten förderfähig sind.
Art der Unterstützung
non-repayable grant
Actions are assigned to Programme-Part "Liveable Alpine Space"
Indicative Actions to be supported are:
- Set up transnational frameworks and platforms for the interoperability of existing databases, promotion of data availability and the integration of management approaches (hazard and risk assessment, planning methodologies, management plans, sustainability and adaptation assessments etc.);
- Develop concepts, strategies, models and pilots for sustainable and innovative management of efficient use of resources and reduction of emission, green infrastructure and biodiversity, landscape management and green corridors;
- Set up, test and implement negotiation, mediation, participation and conflict resolution models in the context of land use, management of Alpine resources and assets with a view to diverging interests of stakeholders and territories;
- Design implementation strategies, set up models and test pilot activities and transnational, regional and intercommunity cooperation of risk management (risk assessment, risk communication, risk managing measures and hazard prevention) as a tool of ecosystem conservation and protection;
- Design implementation strategies, set up models and test pilot activities and transnational, regional and intercommunity cooperation regarding water bodies in the context of the Water Framework Directive and the Directive on the assessment and management of flood risks (e.g. regarding water pollution, water retention, basin management etc.) through integration of the ecosystem services approach;
- Set up networks and partnerships for the provision of capacity development mechanisms in order to develop alternative valorisation approaches for Alpine ecosystem services, increase awareness and integrate them in the implementation of policies.
Hinweis: Weitere förderrelevante Informationen zur Maßnahme finden Sie im Kooperationsprogramm (KP, CP), ab S. 51.
General public; Those groups listed under the caption “Zuwendungsempfänger”; Enterprises, including SME.
Zentrale Zuwendungsvoraussetzungen
Wichtige weitere Informationen zu Zuwendungsvoraussetzungen, wie z. B. die Mindestanzahl an Projektpartnern, finden Sie in den zugehörigen Unterlagen (siehe Link zu Downloads/Infos in der Kategorie Dokumente).
Projects will normally be selected in a two-step application procedure following calls for project proposals. Calls shall be launched regularly. Terms of reference (ToR) will be published for each call in which programme rules and expectations are set out. The application process will be carried out completely in an online system. Only applications being pre-selected by the Programme committee (PC) in step 1 of the application procedure (“expression of interest – EoI”) will be invited to submit a complete application form (AF) (step 2). In certain cases, e.g. for targeted calls for proposals with specific ToR, the programme may launch a one-step application procedure.
Assessment and selection: The Partner States ensure a clear, transparent and traceable evaluation by the Joint Secretariat (JS) and selection of projects by the PC. The criteria and details on the evaluation process (set out in the project implementation handbook) will be made available in the application documents.
The selection of projects will be carried out following a standardised assessment procedure (Article 12 of Regulation (EU) No 1299/2013). The objectives to be achieved are:
- Assess the relevance of a project proposal;
- Assess the feasibility of a project proposal;
- Define a transparent and objective basis for decision making on a proposal rejection or approval;
- Provide a base for communication and improvement among programme bodies and applicants.
The detailed assessment criteria will be laid down and made available to project applicants in the project implementation handbook (PIH).
Hinweis: Weitere förderrelevante Informationen zu den Projektauswahlkriterien der Maßnahme finden Sie ab S. 54 des Kooperationsprogramms.
Start der Maßnahme: 01.01.2014
Ende der Maßnahme: 31.12.2023