Capitalisation and Dissemination

EFRE (ETZ C, interregional)

Baden-Württemberg Bayern Berlin Brandenburg Bremen Hamburg Hessen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Niedersachsen Nordrhein-Westfalen Rheinland-Pfalz Saarland Sachsen Schleswig-Holstein Thüringen Sachsen-Anhalt

Die nachfolgenden Inhalte stammen aus dem Operationellen Programm "URBACT III" (genehmigt am: 12.12.2014).


The action supports cooperation and transfer and dissemination of knowledge on sustainable urban development between cities; especially to cities which are not part of the URBACT-network.


To ensure that practitioners and decision-makers at all levels (EU, national, regional and local) have increased access to URBACT thematic knowledge and share know-how on all aspects of sustainable urban development in order to improve urban policies.


Daten-, Informationsgrundlagen, Information, Kommunikation, Beteiligung, Vernetzung, Kooperation, Wissenstransfer


The main beneficiaries are cities from EU 28 Member States, Norway and Switzerland.

Förderfähige Gebietskulisse

 The URBACT III programme area consists of:

  • EU 28 Member States.
  • Norway and the Helvetic Confederation. Partners from Norway and from the Helvetic Confederation cannot make use of ERDF allocations, but can participate at their own cost.
  • Instrument for Pre Accession (IPA) countries. Partners from IPA countries can participate in operations using IPA funding, without receiving ERDF co-financing
  • Other countries. Partners from other countries, anywhere in the world, can participate with their own funding.

Art der Unterstützung

Non-repayable grant


The programme will develop actions to consolidate and share knowledge on sustainable urban development (good practices, policy recommendations, etc.) so that it is widely used by relevant players in the field. More especially, the capitalisation and mainstreaming actions will also aim to
reach players beyond the URBACT beneficiaries: cities not involved in URBACT networks, as well as the different levels of government involved in urban development (regional, national, European).


The actions that can be supported under capitalisation and dissemination are the following (indicative list):

  • Expertise to build and manage knowledge on sustainable urban development (clustering activity, studies, etc.).
  • Website operating as a knowledge platform providing easy access to knowledge and know-how around thematic priorities, social media activities.
  • Thematic publications such as newsletters, policy briefs, case studies, etc.
  • Conferences, thematic events, seminars, workshops for city practitioners.
  • URBACT National Points in charge of communicating on URBACT activities and disseminating URBACT results at national level in local language and operating as national platforms for dialogue, exchange and learning on sustainable urban development, involving the different levels of governance concerned (national, regional, local). This tool in URBACT III should be an enhanced version of the National Dissemination Points operating in URBACT II providing a wider range of services at national level, including translation and dissemination of results, organization of national seminars, support for capacity building activities, etc.
  • Cooperation with other organizations (programmes, networks, etc.) operating in the area of sustainable urban development as well as on urban-rural linkages.


Players involved in urban policies (urban practitioners, policy-makers and decisionmakers) at all levels: EU, national, regional and local (e.g. national ministries; Managing authorities of Operational Programmes; European, national or regional networks/associations of local authorities; relevant European Programmes promoting sustainable urban development; urban authorities participating in the Urban Development Network, etc.).


The projects for the networking activities are selected through open and transparent calls for proposals. These calls for proposals will be promoted and advertised at European and at national level involving the National Points. This is followed by a two-phased application procedure, each with several stages. Information on the content to be provided will be detailed in the call for proposals. Each phase will include an eligibility check, and an assessment by the External Assessment Panel (EPA). Based on this information the Monitoring Committee will make a final decision.


Amongst others important Eligibility and Assessment criteria will be:

  • Relevance to the Europe 2020-Strategy and the thematic objectives for the EU Cohesion Policy.
  • Coherence of the proposed approach and of the methodology for exchange and learning activities.
  • Quality of partnership and leadership.
  • Budget.


These and possible other criteria will be detailed in the call for proposals.


Start der Maßnahme: 01.01.2014

Ende der Maßnahme: 31.12.2023

Art des raumbezogenen Ansatzes

LEADER - lokale Entwicklung durch örtliche Bevölkerung


The URBACT approach to community-led local development.


A main contribution of the programme lies in the support given to cities to find ways of developing with the local actors integrated policies which meet their particular circumstances. The programme aims to increase the capacities and know-how of cities on integrated urban development; this applies also to tools of the cohesion policy proposed by the mainstream programmes for integrated urban development: Community Led Local Development and Integrated Territorial Investments.


Based on the experience of the previous programming period, URBACT III can contribute through its exchange, capacity building and capitalisation activities to anchor the CLLD approach in cities.


  • Exchange activities between cities and/or urban rural partnerships engaged in delivering CLLD approaches will foster policy learning and accelerate the transfer and implementation of good practices.
  • Capacity building activities for the same cities will help stakeholders involved in local support groups whether from public and private sector or civil society to improve their understanding and management of CLLD
    processes as well as enhancing capacity to innovate.
  • Capitalisation activities can help to disseminate experience on CLLD from a smaller grouping of cities that are actively involved in URBACT networks to the wider urban community of city practitioners and associated stakeholders.


It should be recognized that only some of the URBACT local support groups are appropriate as such for the CLLD approach. This depends on the type of area selected for the URBACT network (for example if it were a whole city this might not be appropriate for CLLD) in the city in question, whether or not this approach is supported under the relevant programme and whether the thematic topic is relevant to a community based approach.




Urban areas in the URBACT programe area.

Art des raumbezogenen Ansatzes

Integrierte nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung


The URBACT approach to integrated actions for sustainable development.


A main contribution of the programme lies in the support given to cities to find ways of developing with the local actors integrated policies which meet their particular circumstances. The programme aims to increase the capacities and know-how of cities on integrated urban development; this apply also to tools of the cohesion policy proposed by the mainstream programmes for integrated urban development: Community Led Local Development and Integrated
Territorial Investments.


URBACT III, through its exchange, capacity building and capitalisation activities shall seek to:

  • Scale up the activities of those cities receiving funding under ERDF Article
    7 and 8 and disseminate their experiences to a wider group of cities.
  • Perform exchange activities between urban authorities receiving funding
    under ERDF Article 7 and 8 in order to foster policy learning and accelerate the
    transfer and implementation of good practices.
  • Participate in the Urban Development Network (to which cities receiving
    funding under ERDF Article 7 and 8 are eligible) in order to provide those
    cities with the benefit of the knowledge being generated as a result of
    other URBACT activities.



Art des raumbezogenen Ansatzes

Integrierte territoriale Investitionen (ITI)


The URBACT approach to use Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI).


A main contribution of the programme lies in the support given to cities to find ways of developing with the local actors integrated policies which meet their particular circumstances. The programme aims to increase the capacities and know-how of cities on integrated urban development; this apply also to tools of the cohesion policy proposed by the mainstream programmes for integrated urban development: Community Led Local Development and Integrated
Territorial Investments.


URBACT III, through its exchange, capacity building and capitalisation activities shall seek to:

  • Scale up the activities of those cities implementing ITIs under ERDF Article 7 and disseminate their experiences, particularly to those interested in setting up an ITI.
  • Perform exchange activities between those urban authorities operating ITIs in order to improve their capacity, foster policy learning and accelerate the transfer and implementation of good practices.



Stand: Juli 2021