Die vorhandenen Fördermittel sind alle gebunden, somit ist eine Antragstellung im Rahmen der Förderperiode Interreg V nicht mehr möglich. Das zukünftige Programm ist in der Erarbeitung.

Interregional Cooperation Projects "Low Carbon Economy"

EFRE (ETZ C, interregional)

Baden-Württemberg Bayern Berlin Brandenburg Bremen Hamburg Hessen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Niedersachsen Nordrhein-Westfalen Rheinland-Pfalz Saarland Sachsen Schleswig-Holstein Thüringen Sachsen-Anhalt

Die nachfolgenden Inhalte stammen aus dem Kooperationsprogramm "INTERREG EUROPE 2014-2020" (genehmigt am: 06.05.2015).


To reinforce the effectiveness of cohesion policy, the INTERREG EUROPE programme promotes exchange of experience on low carbon economy among partners throughout the Union on the identification and dissemination of good practice with a view to its transfer principally to operational programmes.


The objective of the projects is to improve the implementation of the policies of participating regions by supporting exchange of experiences and sharing of practices between actors of regional relevance with the specific aim to prepare the integration of the lessons learnt into regional policies and actions, addressing the transition to a low-carbon economy notably in the framework of Smart Specialisation Strategies.


Monitoring, Evaluierung, Strategieentwicklung, Konzept-, Teilkonzepterstellung, Vernetzung, Kooperation, Wissenstransfer


As a general rule the beneficiaries for projects in this specific objective are public bodies, bodies governed by public law or non-profit private bodies, with responsibilities relevant for the project such as (additional information can be found on pp. 46-47):

  • National, regional and local public authorities responsible for energy, mobility and other low-carbon economy related policy fields.
  • Regional energy agencies.
  • Regional development agencies.
  • Transport and mobility agencies.
  • Regional environmental agencies.
  • Universities, knowledge and research institutes.
  • Other public authorities or bodies governed by public law active in the low-carbon economy.


Please check with the secretariat if your particular organisation is eligible.

Förderfähige Gebietskulisse

The programme area encompasses all 28 member states of the European Union and additionally Switzerland and Norway.

Art der Unterstützung

Non-repayable grant


Activities of the projects can include (non-exhaustive):

  • Elaboration of Action Plans (mandatory).
  • Studies and analysis related to regional low-carbon strategies.
  • Meetings and activities with the local stakeholder group.
  • Interregional study visits to learn about partner regions’ facilities and programmes linked to i.a. renewable energy generation, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility.
  • Interregional seminars and events for experience exchange and capacity building the low-carbon economy.
  • Contributions to Policy Learning Platform activities and outputs.
  • Communication and dissemination of project results.
  • Monitoring and analysis of Action Plan results (phase 2).
  • Pilot actions (phase 2).


Hinweis: Weitere förderrelevante Informationen zur Maßnahme finden Sie im Cooperation Programme, S. 45-49. Die INTERREG Europe Maßnahmen teilen sich in zwei Phasen. In Phase 1 ist die Anfertigung eines Action Plans gefordert. Phase 2 umfasst das Monitoring. Die eigentlichen Maßnahmen werden nicht durch INTERREG Europe gefördert. Für nähere Informationen siehe die Maßnahmenbeschreibung.


Next to actors as mentioned above, the wider target group that can play an active role in the activities of the Projects also includes relevant local stakeholders, SMEs or other actors in the field of the low carbon economy.

Zentrale Zuwendungsvoraussetzungen

Wichtige weitere Informationen zu Zuwendungsvoraussetzungen, wie z. B. die Mindestanzahl an Projektpartnern, finden Sie in den zugehörigen Unterlagen.


Interregional Cooperation Projects are selected through regular calls for proposals. These calls can be open to proposals addressing the full thematic scope of the specific objective. The programme authorities may also decide to open targeted calls for proposals focusing on key areas within the scope of this specific objective. The application process is via the online form iOLF. The selection process is divided into an eligibility check and a quality assessment.


The criteria for the project selection can be found in the programme manual: eligibility criteria pp. 81-84 and assessment criteria pp. 85-91. Further information and requirements will be given via the terms of reference, published on the programme website, when a call is launched.


Start der Maßnahme: 01.01.2014

Ende der Maßnahme: 31.12.2023


Internationale Ansprechpartner

Deutsche Ansprechpartner


Energiewende und Klimaschutz


  • Sonstige Klimaschutz-/CO₂-Einsparmaßnahmen
  • Entwicklung integrierter Energie-/Klimaschutzkonzepte

Stand: Juli 2021